Monday, February 10, 2014

Small- Medium- Size Enterprise (SMEs) HR Analytics/Metrics

The purpose of HR analytics/metrics is to evaluate human capital and human resource measurements to determine how effective your organization is operating. Past practices have involved organizational leaders evaluating finance, always finance. While finance is an intricate portion of HR analytics/metrics, it is the end results. How?  Think about it! Finance presents the end result of the where the organization stands. HR analytics/metrics explains how the organization arrived there! As a small- medium-size enterprise (SMEs) owner/founder/manager, the journey to achieving organizational growth and achieving organizational goals is STRATEGY! STRATEGY! STRATEGY! 

Plan-do-check-act (PDCA) is a management review process that can help you assess and focus on specific organizational HR needs. Human Resource Analytics are the tools for this process.

List of Reports for assessing and reporting on HR functions

·  Ad Source Reports: This report tracks how applicants have heard about your organization, i.e., ERP (Employee Referral Program).
·        HR Data Reports: This report covers 4 main areas: Candidates Interviewed; Candidates Hired; Candidates Terminated; and those who are eligible for rehire.
·       EEOC Reports:  This report reflects compliance with current laws surrounding diversity topics and hiring practices.
·        Traffic Reports:  This report provides results on where people are coming from and the top 5 keywords candidates are typing in the search engines to find your open jobs.
The key here is to make sure that the metrics you decide to use are those that will truly have a business impact on your organization.
List of Human Resource Metrics
·        Productivity/Employee Relations
Ø  Employees surveys:  Be ready for employee feedback; and be prepared to show employees most pertinent results of survey
·        Recruiting/Retention
Ø  Obtaining statistics: Turnover rate of new hires; Average performance measures on new hires; Time to fill positions; Percentage of diversity in your hiring; and dollar impact on bad hire decisions.
·        Benefits/Compensation
Ø  Depending on the size of your organization you need to look at those areas as well as the overall feel of how employees view the benefits and compensation.
·        Training and Development
Ø  Development and growth are important for employee retention.
·        Goals
Ø  Percentage of goals that were completed (met or exceeded) for the year.

April D. Halliburton
All-4-HR & Business Solutions, LLC