Welcome to Day #10 of 10 Days Until HR 2017
Wednesday, December 21, 2016
10 Days Until HR 2017
We are Kicking 2016 Out of here -- Not without reflecting on the HR Goals you Set for your company. All-4-HR & Business Solutions is Excited to Welcome 2017 in with a BANG!!!!!
Sunday, July 31, 2016
All-4-HR & Business Solutions is Right Here With You! We are on the UpSide of 2016!!
I want to Welcome You all to the UpSide of 2016! We have GREAT things coming your way. So many times, we look at after July... we are headed down hill and ending this year. It is Exactly the opposite. We are revving up to make the Latter HR 2016 your Better HR 2016!!!
Whether you are trying to hire a new applicant or upgrade that employee handbook you have been putting off, we are here to make your HR!!
Visit Our new virtual home, take a look around and let us know how we can help you!
Meet our NEW ELLIE......
I want to Welcome You all to the UpSide of 2016! We have GREAT things coming your way. So many times, we look at after July... we are headed down hill and ending this year. It is Exactly the opposite. We are revving up to make the Latter HR 2016 your Better HR 2016!!!
Whether you are trying to hire a new applicant or upgrade that employee handbook you have been putting off, we are here to make your HR!!
Visit Our new virtual home, take a look around and let us know how we can help you!
Meet our NEW ELLIE......
Friday, July 29, 2016
Wednesday, July 27, 2016
Friday, July 22, 2016
Monday, May 2, 2016
Friday, April 15, 2016
Thursday, April 14, 2016
Friday, April 1, 2016
Wednesday, March 30, 2016
Monday, January 18, 2016
MLK (Dr.. Martin Luther King, Jr.) Day - A Day of Reflection and Change!
Today is MLK Day!
It is a day to reflect on what Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. means to you, me and all of us!
It is a day to remember what Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and so many others gave for freedom and equality across all races.
It is a day to remember what your parents and my parents gave that we all can be free.
Free to have equal education for all men, women and children.
Free to live where ever we want to live.
Free to work as hard as the next man or woman and receive equal recognition.
Free to dream and pursue those dream at your own costs, blood, sweat and tears and achieve those dreams--why? Because you worked and earned your dreams!
We All have the right to Dream and Aspire!
Today, MLK (Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.) Day, is the Day to Remember!
It is also the day for those men, women and young people, no matter the color to stop the injustices and inequalities that you, yourself are wreaking on our children, communities, your brother and sisters!
Well… What do you mean Ms. April?
I mean those young men and women who have FORGOTTEN what people like Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and countless others have lived and died for!
I mean what Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and countless others continue to fight and die for every day!
You See…
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and countless others did not live and die for your right to stand on corners, relinquishing all your rights to dream, educate and build your futures and the futures of your children -- NO!
Dr. Martin Luther, Jr. and countless others did not live and die for your right to beg borrow and steal from your brothers and sisters -- NO!
Dr. Martin Luther, Jr. and countless others did not live and die for your right to shoot down your brothers and sisters in the streets like animals -- NO!
Dr. Martin Luther, Jr. and countless others did not live and die for your right to have children and never build them up to build up their brothers and sisters -- NO!
Dr. Martin Luther, Jr. and countless others did not live and die for your right, those in positions of power to take from the very fabric of our communities what wrongfully does not belong to you -- NO!
Dr. Martin Luther, Jr. and countless others did not live and die for those in positions of power to step on the heads, necks and backs of those that are building their lives and the lives of their children, all while lining your pockets with the food, clothing and good health of those that are aspiring to live to make a better day for themselves and their children!
While Today is (Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.) MLK Day !!
Let Today be a day of Thankfulness for all those that have lived and died for the Fight for Freedom and Equality for ALL!
Let Today be a day Thankfulness for all those who continue to struggle, at all cost, to hold the very fabric that has brought us to this day in our society together, so that we all can be free to dream and aspire to achieve those dreams….
Let Today be a day for those young men and women who have relinquished their dreams to a life of destruction, to pick those dreams up, breathe and move forward.
Dr. King had a Dream! You can Achieve Your Dreams!
Let Today be a day for those young men and women who have never dreamed, to realize that YES you have a Dream as did Dr. King and Your Dream is Achievable!
Finally, let today be a day ALL those who have fraudulently, wrongfully worked against the very things Dr. King and countless others have lived and died for, i.e., freedom, equality, right-to-life, respect for your brothers and sisters, self-respect, equal opportunities for all, rights for all……..
To Take Heed .. and Make Your Change Within Yourself. There is Atonement for All!
Dr. King, I Thank You! I also, Thank the Countless Others who have lived and died for Freedom and Equality for All! I Thank the Countless Others Who Continue to Struggle to Make Life Better for ALL!
Make MLK (Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.) Day and Every Day Count!!!!
From the Desk of April D. Halliburton, MBA, BA
Founder, CEO of All-4-HR & Business Solutions!
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April D. Halliburton
Founder/CEO, All-4-HR & Business Solutions
p:313-355-3061 | e:all4hrbiz@gmail.com | w:http://www.all4hr.net |a:26310 Norfolk Street, Inkster, MI 48141
Wednesday, January 6, 2016
Welcome to 2016! I would like to start off by saying 2015 was my best year ever. I hope your 2015 was your best year ever and hence 2016 is going to be even BETTER! NO -- 2015 was NOT my best year ever. In fact, it was one of my most ….. challenging, yes, I’ll use the word challenging – extremely challenging! It was indeed a Game-Changing and an Eye-Opening Year for me in every way!
I’m not going to bore you with the events of my 2015. Although some of you may be interested to know. There were some good and not so good times. I did say 2015 was a Game-Changer and an Eye-Opening year for me in EVERY way -- LOL! I did take some time this past week, as I’m sure most of you did to reflect on my 2015. As a business owner, I am constantly saying reassess, reassess, reassess and reassess some more. You know -- you can’t know where you are going if you don’t know where you have been. And so I did some reassessing myself.
~ My Food for Thought in 2016 ~
Life is a lesson! We are all constantly learning and that is indeed a GOOD THING. I have learned that concept all over again or let’s just say I was reminded Life is a lesson. We learn great things and sometimes not so great things. The important thing is that we continue learning! Some things I have brought into or renewed in the New Year 2016 are things that we are all already know however, sometimes we need to be reminded.
- Life it too short. In that, I say if there is something that you have wanted to say to someone, don’t waste time -- SAY IT!
- If there is a hobby that you have always wanted to start and complete or that you think may simply bring you pleasure -- START IT!
- If there is a book that you want to write -- WRITE IT!
- If you are unhappy with your current job and you want to change professions -- CHANGE IT!
- If you want to spend more time with your family -- SPEND IT!
- If you want to improve your health -- IMPROVE IT!
- If you want to drop some weight -- DROP IT!
- If you want to find a church home -- SEARCH IT!
- If you want to volunteer and help others -- VOLUNTEER IT!
- If you have a dream -- MAKE IT!
- If you want to save money -- SAVE IT!
- If you want to further your education -- EDUCATE IT!
- WHATEVER You want to do in 2016 -- DO IT! IT IS POSSIBLE! The ONLY thing stopping you is YOU!
Make 2016 YOUR Best Year Ever and DO NOT Accept ANYTHING LESS THAN YOUR BEST!
Finally in the words of the Famous Steve Harvey: “STAY ON FAITH STREET AND DO NOT MOVE OFF OF FAITH STREET NO MATTER WHAT, STAY THERE ON FAITH STREET” and watch your blessings start flowing. When they start flowing remember to share those blessings with others, especially the less fortunate.
Blessings for YOUR BEST YEAR EVER!!!
From April D. Halliburton, BA, MBA,
Founder, CEO of
All-4-HR & Business Solutions
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April D. Halliburton
Founder/CEO, All-4-HR & Business Solutions
p:313-355-3061 | e:all4hrbiz@gmail.com | w:http://www.all4hr.net | a:26310 Norfolk Street, Inkster, MI 48141
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