Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Workforce Planning is Essential to Company Growth!!

Workforce planning is critical to Growing a workforce and having satisfied customers/clients. You must have the correct amount staff to prepare and serve a great product and/or service.  Planning calculates the correct number of business and appropriate skill sets to meet company goals. Workforce planning is a continuous process that must be monitored and evaluated to be prepared for change.

Workforce planning coincides with the business and final plans a fundamental took I realizing the goals of an organization. Workforce planning is a process that exposes talent deficiencies and needs, identifies recruiting issues, important aspect of proper workforce planning is that the information gleaned can be used to allot resources, i.e., time and money.

Workforce planning is an essential variable to executing a HR Model and growing an organization. There are four phases of workforce planning:  conduct an organizational overview; determine the current workforce profile; determine the future workforce profile; and conduct a gap analysis.
  1. Conduct an organizational overviewExample:  The company is launching a new product within six months. This step is the starting point that determines the organization’s current position and forecasts where the company needs to be in the future. 
  2. Determine the current workforce profileExample: The company currently employees 250 salesforce employees. This step provides the baseline demographics that are needed to determine the organization’s current position. 
  3. Determine the future workforce profile—Example: The organization needs 300 salesforce employees to operate at the existing level and to staff the new product launch. Combine the organizational overview and the current workforce profile; then look ahead to where you need to be in future.
  4. Conduct a gap analysisExample: The Company is short 50 salesforce employees. 
  5. Subtracting the current workforce number from the future workforce total and you will determine the shortfall or gap in number of employees. (Note: For other positions, you may need to determine any skills gap —Example: if you anticipate you will need 20 employees with a certain type of expertise on particular machinery or with a particular computer program, and you currently have ten, you can determine you will need to add ten employees with that particular expertise.)
Example:  Action PlanFill 50 new sales positions.
Now that you have determined the gap in where you are and where you need to be, you prepared to plot your course of action.

Workforce planning defines job roles and responsibilities; identifies staffing levels; increases efficiency in human resources; and improves resource allocation. All of which are essential to achieving improving company growth. After all, a company cannot grow if unprepared. The steps involved in executing a workforce plan are:
Ø  Document the results of your gap analysis and highlight the workforce issues that will impact on your organization’s ability to achieve its goals.
Ø  Assess the risk of not resolving the identified workforce issues.
Ø  Develop initiatives aimed at improving attraction and retention  

Ø  Establish an action plan with timeframes.

Ø  Establish how and when you will evaluate the effectiveness of your initiatives.
The bottom line is preparation is the key to growing a successful workforce and achieving organizational growth. One of the main goals in human resources, HR professionals must increase and sustain its workforce.  This includes identifying the skills and education in employees that can be utilized to grow the employees within the organization.  
Click here to receive a free Workforce Planning Profile.  Also, look for All-4-HR & Business Solutions’ upcoming webinar “Preparing for Workforce Growth: Workforce Planning.”
All-4-HR & Business Solutions is Committed to Growing Small Business’ HR.
See You Soon!

April D. Halliburton, President
Tele: (313) 573-6677
Fax: (313) 447-3021

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