Now that the year is well underway and passing by, we are contemplating a lot of HR things/issues within the Company. We are thinking about how the new policies, procedures or programs are panning out. It is important when implementing new policies, procedures, etc., to monitor the results. One way to do so is to survey staff. You can also appoint one person in each department, if it is a firm-wide implementation, to monitor the results in their own department and report to you. Monitoring results will let you know if you need to improve or scale back changes in new policies or programs. When implementing a new program or policy, it can have a detrimental effect on staff if it is not yielding positive results and management does not see the negative effects and thus does not react or rectify the negative results. It is even more important to take note of the positive impact a new policy or program is yielding within the organization.
For instance -- how is that new progressive discipline program going? I know, I know, I know the year-end is quickly approaching but how is that program working out? Did the program yield the results you were expecting? Have you been consistently monitoring the new progressive discipline policies and results? We all know one of the most difficult things that HR professionals face is dealing with difficult situations such as bullying in the workplace; bad attitudes, lack of engaged employees, etc. While contemplating in the back of your mind what the current year has been like so far AND what new year is going to bring, let's get a handle on it NOW! It’s not too late!
- Do not shy away from the new changes you are implementing in your progressive discipline process or any new program or policy you have put in place.
- Be consistent -- Stay Consistent!
- Remember to note ALL disciplinary actions. Even verbal warnings should be noted in employee files.
- Be sure to note the reason for each and every disciplinary purpose, i.e., tardy, insubordination, etc.
- Note the disciplinary action: warning, suspension (with or without pay), referral to employee assistance program, transfer or reassignment or termination.
Some other tips to keep in mind if you are implementing new progressive discipline changes:
- Check state laws to see if employees are “at will” employees. If they are, terminations may be less subject to challenge
- Ensure discipline is in-line with any collective bargaining agreements
- Don’t discipline a legally-protected “whistleblower.”
- Keep in mind that your policies, employee handbook, etc., may well be implied contracts. Stick to them.
- Document performance issues.
- Document feedback, counseling, and training
- Use progressive discipline for most offenses.
Email us to receive a free Progressive Discipline Evaluation kit!
Thank you from All-4-HR & Business Solutions ! Have a Great HR Day!
April D. Halliburton, MBA, BS
Founder/CEO/HR Problem Solver/Visionary
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