Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Who's Engaged?

The traditional concept of Employee Engagement has been around for many years, more than 30 years. Employee Engagement has been around for years. It has been recognized by HR practitioners and professionals in recent years as "Employee Engagement".
Surveys as early as the 1800’s when Frederick Taylor studied how people’s attitudes impacted productivity. There are many more studies validating bench-marking tools for assessing employee engagement levels. Employee Engagement Studies.
The general consensus seems to be companies are not engaging employees enough.  I believe larger organizations are engaging employees more than smaller organizations.  While companies scream employee engagement, the action and implementation process is often not conducive to the desired end results.  Let’s not forget also that once implementing any new procedure, program, regimen, etc., you must benchmark to ensure that the plan is either yielding the results the company is expecting or whether adjustments need to be made.  It is extremely ineffective to implement new policy or programs and STOP right there without assessment. It is a sure way to lose the trust of the employees you were trying to engage. 
So, clearly the actions of employee engagement are not meeting the outcomes of employee engagement. Some where in developing the plan, executing and assessing the employee engagement strategies -- the execution and bench-marking, the achieved results are getting lost. If there is no accountability for the success of the implementation, its as if it never happened or worse.
A plan for to engage employees includes steps outlined below:
  • select and identify a business team 
  • limit a small number of lower-performing units to focus
  • Identify high-performing units and identify what lessons can be learned 
  • Work w/your business leaders to draw up an action plan that identifies priorities, steps and key issues
  • Elicit your employees where ever possible to come up w/solutions. 
The Ivey Business Journal shares the 10 C's 10's To Employee Engagement to Employee Engagement:
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You have to assess your current employee engagement level to determine where and what direction to partner with your employees and increase the employee engagement level.  
Thursday, February 12, 2015 @ 7 pm we are going to find  your Number -- Your Employee Engagement Number. Join Us! It will be Enlightening! 
Click Here Find Employee Engagement Number Webinar

April D. Halliburton
Founder/CEO, All-4-HR & Business Solutions
p:313-580-6999 | | w: a: 26310 Norfolk Street, Inkster, MI 48141

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