Wednesday, June 18, 2014

What Entrepreneurs Need to Know about SMB Benefits?

Benefits are one of the greatest challenges facing human resource (HR) Professionals. Benefit regulations are an ever-changing industry concern. HR professionals should stay well-informed of government and state regulation changes and be sure to keep employees up-to-date through newsletter communication, workshops and briefings. HR Professionals should review packages offered by other companies in the industry. While reviewing other competitive packages is informative, be aware in this day, there is no one size fits all answers regarding benefits or HR for that matter. If considering making changes to your companies’ benefits package, be thorough and consider all variables before making changes.

As you know in March 2010, the federal government passed health care insurance reform, which included the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) signed into law on March 23. The Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010 signed into law on March 30. These bills, together, are referred to as the Affordable Care Act (ACA).  

As an employer, it is effective to adopt the approach of keeping healthcare cost under control in a number of ways. This approach includes increasing the share of premiums that employees pay, increasing deductibles and co-pays, and implement various managed care strategies. 

Periodically review your current plan and establish whether the plan your company has in place is the best choice for your employees. Indemnity and managed care plans are:

·       Indemnity Plan
·       HMOs (Health Maintenance Organizations)
·       PPO (Preferred Provider Organization)
·       POS (Point-of-Service Plans)
·       Consumer Directed Plans

SBA has a great new small business healthcare assessment tool located at Excellent Tool!

Click here to receive any of the below small business healthcare insurance Checklists to assess your current health care position. Healthcare Checklist Request.

Email or call me with any HR or Business related questions.  
Stay tuned for HR Lunch Café coming very soon. Name a Topic You would like us to research!

April D. Halliburton, President
All-4-HR & Business Solutions, LLC

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